But there’s almost unanimous agreement that the cause of WW II (in Europe at least) was the way WW I ended and the punitive sanctions imposed on Germany at Versailles. + Nearly 120 years later people are still arguing over what started WW I. That would be very bad for the procurement business, which requires the threat of an alleged “weapons gap” to thrive. But they don’t want the Russian military to be exposed as the inept force it appears to be: a force of understandably reluctant conscripts manning rusting hardware firing inaccurate missiles and already running low on ammo and parts after two months of indecisive action. + The Pentagon and its contractors want a prolonged war in Ukraine. This goes for proxy wars too, which is bad news for Ukrainians, who would benefit from a negotiated settlement of the war but will be pushed by western politicians and their financial backers in the weapons industry to fight until the last check for javelin missiles bounces… But winning wars is no longer the point, prolonging them is–that’s where the money’s made and what the fog of war is meant to obscure. It’s lost two– Vietnam and Afghanistan–and fought to bloody stalemates in two others: Iraq and Korea.
+ The US hasn’t won a major war since dropping nukes on Japan. – “Search & Destroy,” Iggy Pop, who turned 75 this week. GUEST COMMENTARY - I’m a streetwalking cheetah with a heart full of napalm